Apr 2017 — Jun 2017
Jun 6, 2017 • 203 minutes
\*\*\*Leave us voicemail or an iTunes Review and we'll feature it on the show!\*\*\* This time Heather takes the reins, as we venture into the subversive world of Shot-On-Shitteo, with the bisexual black-comedy, BLONDE DEATH (1984)! Plus, Catch &...
May 23, 2017 • 210 minutes
It's our one year anniversary, and what better way to celebrate than with Disco, demons, PCP, and Rudy Ray Moore?! This episode's movie "Disco Godfather" (1979) has all those things! Plus, we dive deep into the rabbit hole of drug songs for Songs On...
May 9, 2017 • 153 minutes
Companeros love vanity projects and this one is no exception! Phillip Michael Thomas of Miami Vice fame stars in this anti-PCP PSA from 1978. This movie is totally insane! It even effected our computers and Skype. Also, on this very...
Apr 11, 2017 • 150 minutes
This week we explore the cinema of Racine, Wisconsin in the very first found footage film ever from 1991 -- America's Deadliest Home Video! Plus: Only one girl?! A different recording studio?! Squeaky, Shea, Heather, and Anna all missing?! A new guy...
Apr 1, 2017 • 193 minutes
In this episode's movie 'Vice Academy' (1989), everything goes wrong in all the right ways. And the same goes for this bizarro episode! Crazy shit goes down all over the place! Mucho Caliente, Gracias! PLUS: Catch and release, PG Boobs, Dr....
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